Mercury Retrograde July 2018 - The Power of Positive Thinking
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The Creatrix Fine Arts by Erica Daubert Right now we are featuring this artist in our new gallery, where you can connect with local artists and artisans: |
Planetary information:
Mercury at 23 degrees Leo becomes Retrograde on July 26th.
Our second eclipse of this cycle begins July 27th. We currently are
still in the Mars retrograde cycle. Both the eclipse and Mars retro are in the
Leo-Aquarius axis. Mercury Retrograde squares Jupiter at 14 degrees (Leo,
Scorpio) on August 12th.
We have been in a cycle of retrogrades and it will continue
for the rest of the year.
In this article I want to explore the upcoming Mercury
Retrograde. This coincides with current Mars retrograde cycle ( Saturn is still
retrograde while Jupiter has recently gone direct and don’t forget we still
have the Venus retrograde cycle coming up this fall.
All of these processes work together like an orchestra of
influences, singing us songs that move us deeper into the growth and freedom
that is our core self.
Much of the way the Universe works is by helping us remove
the blocks that restrict us. There’s not something “out there” that must be
added in order to make you more spiritual, peaceful etc. You are already all of
life- everything you will ever need to be is contained inside your seed. It is
removing the weeds and clearing the brush so that your truth can come through.
This retrograde cycle is no different. Mercury retrograde in
general is a time to mentally unwind, let yourself be carried by the wind
instead of forcefully plowing down the path. There is a time for will and direction
and setting out fearlessly on new paths- but this isn’t it!
Mercury in Leo speaks to me of inner integrity, an honesty with
self. This Mercury retrograde cycle lines up with the second eclipse ( In the first eclipse, aspects of ourselves we would rather not see
were asked to come to the surface and be exposed. Now is the opportunity- like
a window in time, to peer into the underlying mental mechanisms of the problems
and correct them. More than behavioral change, this is an opportunity to adjust
from the inside out the underlying cognitive process- thoughts, assumptions
etc, that keep us stuck rather than set us free.
As you look at these patterns which have been largely inherited
by parents, society, ancestors etc. What negative self-images are you carrying?
Aligning with this eclipse, I also suggest looking at the negative assumptions
and beliefs you carry about women, being a woman or the worth of women in
Life is never here to punish you. It is urging you to
release the negativity and the fears so that you can return to your naturally harmonious
state of being. In this state you are in perfect alignment with all of life,
naturally being where you need to be and finding the people with whom you need
to collaborate with to do what you’re here to do. It is the mental process that
often taken us away from the knowing we already possess deep inside. The over-identification
with the mind itself and our value of the thinking process over the intuitive feeling
process needs adjustment.
This is an opportunity to release the negative self-talk you
carry within. Whether that is towards yourself or others, the internal critical
and negative dialogue no longer serves a helpful purpose. Maybe at one time it
kept you safe, or maybe you’ve gone from discerning to judging, or maybe you
thought by being cautious and fearful you could keep bad things from happening.
Yet, as enlightenment expands, our collective consciousness is beginning to understand
that all of life is a mirror. Fears beget fears and problems. Judgement begets
more of itself resulting in isolation. The negative thinking only makes us
sicker and sicker at cellular levels.
Use this calling to release these thinking patterns. The
thoughts are not you! They never were. Choosing to think, speak and relate
(inner and outer worlds) from the positive and kind-hearted is the shift that
is occurring for many on this planet. This may come with some difficulty as
Jupiter comes into a square aspect around Aug 9th (perfecting on the
12th). Yet, you can choose to align with the energy and make the
process easier instead of grueling. Choose to reframe your views of the world
and with integrity (Mercury in Leo), hold yourself accountable when you’re
choosing to hold negative thoughts.
Blame and rationalization feel good to the ego but are poison
to the soul. The risk with Leo is always vanity, do not let yourself be fooled
into seeing yourself as all positive or all right and therefore the other deserves your judgment. You must use the
Mars in Aquarius energy of humanity- all humans are human, all humans need
love, all humans have faults, all humans are doing their best. Use this
Leo-Aquarius axis to deepen your compassion for others, hold yourself
accountable to the way you internally think and talk about self, life, others
and then choose love and community.
Watch the mirror reflect back to you the love and
understanding you are putting into yourself and the world (because let’s not
forget the self-compassion and kindness). Watch as your life begins to bloom
and manifest the positivity you have chosen inside yourself! It is not about how
the “other” reacts or deserves or the martyrdom of what you’ve given and
sacrificed. It is about the internal alignment of kindness and peace and
positivity; as you align with that energy it will begin to be reflected back to
you in your life!
There are many aspects pointing to these type of changes, so
ride the wave while the opportunity is present! Don’t delay and try to play
catch up- as it will become a difficult process. Jupiter will stay in
relationship with Mercury for the rest of August, assisting you in making your
thinking more positive and generous. What a wonderful time for awakening.
LittleWave Bair
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