Living Without Resentments - Update on Mercury Retrograde

Living Without Resentments:
Update on Mercury Retrograde

(Photograhy By Trish Betcher) 

An emptying of resentments is upon us, use this Mercury retrograde cycle to go inside yourself and clear yourself of all resentments, old and new. 
Just go inside and decide, I, self, do not want to live a life of resentments. 
How would your life be different if you carried no resentments?
What thoughts and behaviors would be different if you lived fresh without resentments?
See the barriers within the self.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it”. -Rumi

Later will be a time for the arising of this new understanding/ new way of life. When Mercury is no longer retrograde and moves past the point the retrograde started. It comes into a square with Pluto around May 6th. This is when enacting the changes will be mandatory. Start practicing now. 
For now, notice, take stock, see where you're repeating patterns and decide they are yours. This is what you're asked to resolve, from the inside out. 
As I mentioned before, right now is “don't blame”, be humble and use your desire to blame as a realization you have something to own.
In perfect alignment for this energy is the Easter season, be present in this energy now and reap the gifts of renewal and rebirth. 


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