My Story

My Story

Hello and thanks for visiting my page,

Photo Credit: Maria Teicher
My interest and intentions are to bring people closer to their own wisdom through the understanding of astrology and re-connection to the wisdom of the natural world.

I began this journey as a young adult. I read my first astrology book when my best friend in college just happened to bring one over. It seemed random and non-nonchalant. I had no idea how the simple act of picking up this book would begin a life long journey that continues to quench the thirst for deeper knowing my soul craves.

 I had read my horoscope before but I hadn’t realized how in depth astrology actually went. This book however, was a simple book. It gave general descriptions of each planet in each sign. For me though, this was a whole new world. I had not even known astrology looked at all the planets.

I soon bought my own copy of the exact same book. After going through each of the planets in my chart, I went through each of them in everyone I knew. People seemed interested and would generally want to talk about it with me, opening up and sharing what pieces really connected with them. I carried my book everywhere. I have a reminiscent feeling when I think of it, this long, purple, skinny book that fit easily in a bag or purse and it was always attached to me.

Now that astrology had piqued my interest, I went on to buy the next book. I would sit in the book store for hours, just wanting to read everything in these sections. My next book was all about elements. In hindsight, I didn’t know how wise that was. This basic building block laid the stage for me to understand everything I build upon it. Not only is it a steadfast foundation, its basic concepts can be found in many philosophies, especially eastern ones which were familiar for me. I continued to devour book after book. I don’t think I even realized I was learning or becoming well versed in anything. It was truly learning for its own sake- I was in love with astrology.

At some point as a young adult you have to think about and decide your career path, and I did think about becoming an astrologer. I was giving readings to my friends and their friends and pretty much any one who had interest in hearing it. I was writing horoscopes for the college paper and offering readings at school related events. However, when I thought about career, I felt a strong need to have a basis in science. I was afraid the world wouldn’t take me seriously. As most young people need to establish and prove themselves I was no different, I needed to show that I was capable and practical and grounded in my intelligence. I majored in psychology with a focus on neuroscience. I truly enjoyed learning about the brain and how to understand behavior, but I never lost touch with my first love- the stars.

Photo Credit: Maria Teicher
I then went on to get my masters in clinical counseling psychology and have spent over a decade being a therapist. Working with individuals, families and young adults, I saw these astrological aspects happen like clockwork - Ding, time for your Saturn return. Oh, you’re feeling really cooped up and need vibrant and extreme change- you’re 42 aren’t you? That’s Uranus opposition. Like the thanksgiving turkey, at the right time it just popped.

I would sit with people and theorize, I wonder if that’s a Pluto process they have going on or I bet their Venus is afflicted. I wanted so badly to say- “what time were you born and can we just talk bluntly about astrology”! That’s of course not appropriate for a counselor, nor is it what my clients were seeking or asking for as a service. So, I counseled, and I’ve helped people and I gave all that I had to understanding how to best alleviate their pain. In this process I’ve come to understand what actually helps humans- themselves! Surprise, everyone’s own inner wisdom is ultimately all that matters. It does not matter what the advice is, it has to connect with the Wisdom Within. You have to feel it- to agree, to take what someone said and know where it fits in your process.

What is actually helpful from a guide is a framework: Here’s what is going on, this is the energy that you’re working with and its potentials. This is the area of life its showing up in, or the connections its making to other areas. Having someone help take what’s happening and put it in a framework, allows you to calmly access your inner knowing with what to do and how to heal/grow/thrive. This is what I believe the role of counselor/astrologer is for me.

Photo Credit: Maria Teicher

Astrology has been most valuable to me on my own personal journey. To understand what’s happening inside of me and to see its connections to what is happening in my life It empowers me to understand, in the moment, and choose my response. It has given me a sense of loving, healing connection as I see how even the difficult aspects are a form of loving development and maturation; and a sense of peace as I see the patterns that exist in all of life and knowing and seeing that I am as integrally a part of it as everything else. It has reshaped my approach to life, I get to decide what it is I want to do with the energy and have control in co-creating the life experience I want to have. It has greatly assisted me in transforming challenges into growth potentials.

So here I am, ready to offer a combination of what I know to the outside world. My belief in each individual’s inner wisdom and my recognition of the importance of understanding some basics of the chart reading has brought me to this point. I don’t want to just give you this foreign reading that does nothing to empower you to understand why I am saying what I am saying. I want to offer guidance and support, as well as show you what I’m seeing and empower you to begin to understand these patterns in your own life.

I hope that the articles I write are helpful to you. I am happy to answer questions, and should you 
desire a specific service, please feel free to get in touch with me.


Galeet (Little Wave) Bair