Understanding Your Pattern
Friends and family always tell me they want to learn astrology and find it fascinating. However, they start reading a book and it’s tedious and difficult to digest in a meaningful way. Yet, when we talk it through I see people having insights and breakthroughs into their own life journeys.
I have always been a believer that astrology is meant for self- illumination- to be your own guiding light. So, I decided to offer a combination education/astrological counseling sessions. Teaching you, through your own chart to master the basics of astrology and understand your specific pattern, to reach your wisdom within.
I have also been a professional counselor for over a decade, which has enhanced my understanding of human nature, yet it doesn't go deep enough, it doesn't access the primordial self- the spirit in body experience. What I see over and over is that each person truly knows their way. No answer from an outside source will ever be as valuable as the one that comes from within you. Sometimes we need some help clearing away the brush to see more clearly. Ultimately, it is giving a context and language to understand our experience that allows us to move through life in a way that deepens our consciousness and authenticity.