
Each of us are made of patterns. From the microscopic patterns of our cellular structure to the magnificent was we are intertwined with the Universe -  the larger patterns in life. Patterns are the basic building blocks of what exists.

In some cases we’re the macro pattern, the large universe that other patterns exist within. Although more difficult to see, in other cases we’re the micro pattern; fitting into the timing of life just perfectly and unfolding our own evolution alongside all of life.  Nature knows what it is doing and we can rest assured we can not be removed from those patterns.

Let’s start with basics: Each person has a birth chart. The moment you were born, the sky at that moment is your imprint- the basic blueprint of your life and personality. The more exactly you know your time of birth the more accurate this will be. Of course, the planets and the earth keep moving. Now you, with that imprint of the moment you were born, will continue to interact with the ongoing changes to the energy around you. Ultimately, this ongoing energy will keep retriggering the core imprint, helping you go deeper and deeper in unfolding the lessons and patterns of your life path from differing angles.